Saturday, September 24, 2011

I'm old!

It is official..I am 22 years old!  I am so old here compared to everyone else..well some of the people that I have met and started becoming friends with!  But oh well!

My bfffffff came to Iowa for the weekend!  Hey Kel!  I am SO excited to have her here with me for the weekend.  Haha, we are having a lazy day!  This morning we went to go and grab something to eat at the dining hall, Seasons, and then we went and took a walk around campus.  I showed her where some of my classes are and one of my lecture halls that is huge, but apparently she had already seen it, but I didn't remember that.  We saw a wedding being set up in central campus, so sweet, but puke, at the same time!

Last night I went out with some of the new friends that I have made!  I had so much fun..and tonight Kelly and I are going out to have a little fun!

Nothing much to report on the school front.  This week was a busy week, but other than that the homework has been in a lull for now.  Which is a good thing and I am not complaining!

Well, we've watched a movie already and now we're starting Justin Bieber!  One of the amazing birthday presents from her!  She spoiled me! Below is a picture of what she got me!

I have the best bffff in the world!

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