Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's Moving Time.

Get it? The goes like "it's closing time.." etc..I don't really know that words to it and I know that it is not from the band Three Doors Down..I just remember hearing it in the Friends With Benefits movie and for some reason it decided to pop into my head..and now of course it wont leave.  Hahaha I think Kelly is the only one who is going to understand what in the world I am talking about.

Anyway, about moving time.  It's official.  I finally have a permanent place to live on campus.  Housing options opened up for those in interim housing today, at 6am.  So I was up at 6 to get a room!  Unlucky for me though I have to move by Sunday. I have so many things to do though before Sunday with work and school work!  However I got very lucky and I am only moving two floors down and staying in the same building. I am grateful for that since I have now made friends here and am now on the executive board for the dorm as a whole.  But it is closer to the laundry room so I don't have to carry heavy clothes up like 6 or 7 flights of stairs..that's how many it is to actually get into the basement where all the machines are, redonk!

The only thing that really stinks is that now I am finally all settled in with a routine and what not and I have pictures up on the wall, that I just hung up..that now all have to come down and get re hung up..Okay well I took a break from writing and now things are going downhill with this rooming situation..I will have to update later..

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