Monday, April 23, 2012


VEISHEA definitely got the best of me this weekend..late nights full of craziness and fun.  The dorms were loud and packed as were the streets of Ames this week and weekend. Friday night the girls and I hung out.  It was so much fun to get to see them and spend time with them.  We went to a softball game, then to dinner and did a little shopping.  Then Saturday night Kaci and I went to the Hunter Hayes concert! He was so good! Pictures are below! Then we went out for a little while and walked down Welch which was just packed with people.  So we came back to the dorms and hung out and stayed up late!

There are 5 school days left...and then next week there's 5 days of finals. I don't know whether to be excited to go home for the summer or sad to leave Ames for the summer.  We'll see what happens!  I already know that I am going to have to stay in Iowa next summer.  That will be fun though!  I can work throughout the summer at my job and I am also looking into working at a place called Childserve.  It is a place that disabled children can live and be watched during the day while parents are at work.  I can also do in home respite care.  So that will be fun too! And of course Friends would either be here in Ames or just a short drive away.

Well, I should be off to clean up my room and get ready for the day..until next time.

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