Monday, April 16, 2012


Tonight I said goodbye to Facebook.  It was seriously not helping me get homework and other things done.  Also, everyone's negativity was really getting to me.  There is SO MUCH more to life then complaining and living like that.  It is just not meant to be anymore.  Maybe it will come back for the summer or something, but it's gone for now!

I should really be writing my final paper for my child development class..but as you can see that is not happening. I've got until Thursday at 11:59pm to turn it maybe it will get done Thursday morning..if not sooner.

This whole looking for a job for the summer is so not working out well.  I've applied for so many..and I've gotten 3 calls.  One telling me that all of their positions were full, one wanting to set up an interview..but because I am still in Iowa they wouldn't do a phone interview, and one that told me that they would set an interview up for me if I called back the first week of May.  It is at the Palatine YMCA, so it's not totally close, but it would be a job working with kids, and that is exactly what I want.  So if offered..I will take it!

This weekend was good, I went home with Kaci..again.  I'm glad he family keeps letting me come back. Plus I love spending time with her and of course her family.

Other than that, this week is VEISHEA!  It's supposed to get super crazy and what far it's been good.

Hunter Hayes is Saturday night! Getting super excited for that too!

I think that's it..maybe time to start writing my paper...more like finding other things to procrastinate with...

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