Monday, August 13, 2012


Well, well, well. It has definitely been a while since I've made an appearance on my blog. It has been an interesting summer...a very short summer as well! School ended in early May, and ever since it has been go go go! I ended up taking a job this summer in Chicago nannying 3 kids, ages 4,6, and 8. They have been so much fun and I have gotten to do so many things that I didn't think that I would be able to do with a different full time job. It's a hard life sitting on the beach reading a book, or walking around the Shedd Aquarium and the zoo! KIDDING! It has been a blast and I am going to miss those kiddos! We definitely had our off days though, but we got through them and had fun anyway! While nannying, I got to stay in the city and live with my Babcia! It has been amazing and I am so grateful for the time I have been able to spend with her this summer.  I will miss her so much and i know that she will also miss me. She has definitely spoiled me beyond belief. She has made countless breakfasts and dinners.  I have no idea how I am going to be able to go back to school and survive! Haha just kidding! I love to cook and be domestic. My roommates are going to be some lucky ducks!

I have been able to go to a few concerts, a couple of weddings, and I got to take a mini daycation to visit my BFF Emilee! She had foot surgery in July and I got to go and spend the day with her and drive miss Daisy around! Haha, but we had fun catching up and relaxing and just watching The Golden Girls all day!  That was really the only vacation that I was able to take. But that's okay!  

It is crazy to think that a whole summer has gone by and in less that 48 hours I will be back in Iowa, moving in, and going to the Iowa State Fair. It will be my first state fair experience and I am very excited, and we can do this regularly and make a tradition out of it! It is going to be a busy week ahead for me at least! Tomorrow is my last day of nannying (I'm going to miss those kiddos!), and I need to go home and pack everything up and get myself ready to leave early wednesday morning. I'll move in, and get everything situated. Friday I will be coming back to Illinois to return the car my mother has so graciously allowed me to use all summer, and go to my last concert of e summer Saturday night (WHo could skip on LUKE BRYAN AND JASON ALDEAN?! A crazy person, that's for sure!) would miss it for the world! I will also be my last outing with Kelly. BUMMER! And Sunday morning Kelly and I will be getting up at the crack of dawn and she is dropping my off downtown and I will be taking a bus back to school to start my "second" senior year. Slowly but surely I am getting there and will have a degree! It might take me 20 years, but I'll get there. And classes start on Monday. Luckily work doesn't start until the second week of classes, so I will be able to get into a routine, ad get myself situated in my apartment and get used to everything again.

Hopefully some fun things will happen this year and I will be able to keep everyone informed! To leave you, I will share some photo highlights of my summer with ya'all!

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