Monday, April 2, 2012

I have not given up..

As my mom promptly reminded me this morning I have realized that I have no posted in a VERY long time.  School is busy, there are many things to do, homework is crazy..and somehow I still manage to sleep at night. Of course, if it wasn't for at least my one cup of black coffee, I don't think that I could manage getting through the day.  The black coffee definitely come from my mother..and everyone wonders how in the world I can drink coffee black..I couldn't even begin to tell you!

Nothing absolutely major has happened since the last time that I have updated.  Just a few things..I've changed my major..yet again.  I am still in Elementary Education, but I have dropped the English as Second Language specialization and picked up Learning Technologies instead.  I was in an ESL class this semester and I just didn't understand it.  I went in for help multiple times and that didn't help.  So I talked to my adviser and she suggested that if I didn't like it now and didn't understand it now that I would not enjoy teaching it to kids.  So here I am.  My major will now be, Elementary Education, with specializations in Social Studies and Reading, with a minor in Learning Technologies.  Learning Technologies is using technology in the classroom.  Using smart boards, iPads, iPods, Laptops, etc.  It will make me just as marketable for teaching as ESL would.  A lot of schools in Iowa are already on a 1:1 ratio.  Which means that students, even elementary, have one laptop or iPad per student.  Best thing about this is that it wont keep me in school longer..even though I feel like I am going to just make a career out of going to school..

Becky and I, and all of family and friends went wedding dress shopping for her...and..SHE FOUND HER DRESS! So exciting!  Of course I am not going to give away any kinds of details though! 

A couple times this last week Kaci, Katie, and I have gone to see Kaci's friend Tyler, who has no become a friend of all of ours.  Tyler is the friend that I have posted about on Facebook and asked everyone to pray for.  A few weeks ago now, Tyler was having chest pain and was taken by ambulance to the hospital.  He found out that he had a hole in his lung, about an inch big. Doctors hoped that it would heal in its own without any large procedures. About a week ago doctors told him that he hole has tripled in size and is now 4 inches big. After many X-rays and tests doctors still don't know what is wrong nor what caused the hole. They blame it on the fact that Tyler is tall and skinny.  Last Tuesday they inserted a chest tube and valve. When he got home he had taken a pain pill and shortly afterward he had passed out.  This was because he took the pill on an empty stomach.  Since then he has been at home resting and on bed rest. Saturday night Kaci and I went to go and see him again and brought him some movies.  Once we left his mom took him to the ER again.  He said that he was in the worst pain he had ever been in from this issue.  Doctors decided that it was best to take out the chest tube and is now back at home on bed rest again and on antibiotics to prevent pneumonia.  We are hoping that this is the last of this problem now and his lung will re inflate on it's own.  If not Tyler will have to have surgery later this week.  So for those of you that are praying, keep praying please!

Other than that, my spring break was good!  It was so nice to not work and just be able to spend some quality time with my friends and family.  

As of right now I am trying to find a summer job at a park district or the YMCA for a summer camp working with kids.  I have applied for 8 positions so far and I have only heard back from one saying that they had hired everyone they needed already.  If I can't find a job like that this summer I always have Hallmark to fall back on, but I would love to be working with kids!

So now I need to get ready for work and for class later on.  That's all that I can think of for now!

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