Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A lot has happened..

Well, well, well. I feel like a lot has happened since the last time that I posted..but I know that is also not true. Just a lot in my mind and in my daily life.  Going to class, doing the homework and papers and tests.  Speaking of tests..I have 4 exams next week.. Talk about freak out mode and what it's like. Just ask me..I'm pretty much in it.

Since I posted last I have moved into my new room. LOVING IT! I am able to go to bed when I want to, watch TV and movies when I want to, and study and do my homework alone in my room.   I have slept through the nights and I am a happier person.  I'm sure most of my friends would attest to that.  I also have a feeling that my grades are going to be the most amazing things that anyone has ever seen, since I have no distractions except for myself. Keep your fingers crossed on that on!

I am almost done tutoring and mentoring for the night.  I cannot wait to go back to my room and have some dinner and relaxing time.  Then I will start with the homework!

I don't think that there is much else to say..the main thing is that I am a happy girl and there's a smile on my face! :)

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