Saturday, September 24, 2011

I'm old!

It is official..I am 22 years old!  I am so old here compared to everyone else..well some of the people that I have met and started becoming friends with!  But oh well!

My bfffffff came to Iowa for the weekend!  Hey Kel!  I am SO excited to have her here with me for the weekend.  Haha, we are having a lazy day!  This morning we went to go and grab something to eat at the dining hall, Seasons, and then we went and took a walk around campus.  I showed her where some of my classes are and one of my lecture halls that is huge, but apparently she had already seen it, but I didn't remember that.  We saw a wedding being set up in central campus, so sweet, but puke, at the same time!

Last night I went out with some of the new friends that I have made!  I had so much fun..and tonight Kelly and I are going out to have a little fun!

Nothing much to report on the school front.  This week was a busy week, but other than that the homework has been in a lull for now.  Which is a good thing and I am not complaining!

Well, we've watched a movie already and now we're starting Justin Bieber!  One of the amazing birthday presents from her!  She spoiled me! Below is a picture of what she got me!

I have the best bffff in the world!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Beat Iowa!

 Today was a fabulous day!  Iowa State beat University of Iowa for the first time in 4 years..and I was there!  I was a great game to watch!  The score was 44-41 and we won it in triple overtime, what a big deal!  So besides winning we got there early to find good seats on the lawn, which was a good thing because the stadium eventually held 56, 085 people for the game.  Nuts!  Football is a big deal here, like I've said before, but this game was bigger than Green Bay vs. Bears.  More like the Superbowl when two rival teams are in fact it kinda was the Superbowl, but for Iowa alone.  Anyway, you all can enjoy the pictures!  I'll tell what each one is..just so you know.  The first one above is a picture of the girls and I waiting to get into the stadium.
The picture above is of the scoreboard showing that we in fact did win!  This picture is not mine, it's Maleah's.  But I stole it! :)

All of the Cyclone fans storming the field just after we won the game!!  This picture is also a picture that Maleah took.

This is Maleah!  Haha, she lives across the hallway from me..sadly I'm moving from that room today..more on that later!

The football team right before the game.
So, as you can see, it was an eventful day!  Only bad thing was that we were sitting outside all none the less we all got sunburned.  My nose is crispy red!  And there is a faint I on my face from my face paint..Maleahs I is much much more distinct!

So anyway, I talked about moving from my room.  Everything got worked out eventually and now I've got a room.  I still wish that it was on 3rd floor..but I will survive.  I will probably end up spending my time now in the den..that used to be my room on 3rd floor where the nice new leather couches will eventually be..haha kind of an inside joke.  But anyway it all should be good!

Now it's time to write my two papers..and then start the move two floors down!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's Moving Time.

Get it? The goes like "it's closing time.." etc..I don't really know that words to it and I know that it is not from the band Three Doors Down..I just remember hearing it in the Friends With Benefits movie and for some reason it decided to pop into my head..and now of course it wont leave.  Hahaha I think Kelly is the only one who is going to understand what in the world I am talking about.

Anyway, about moving time.  It's official.  I finally have a permanent place to live on campus.  Housing options opened up for those in interim housing today, at 6am.  So I was up at 6 to get a room!  Unlucky for me though I have to move by Sunday. I have so many things to do though before Sunday with work and school work!  However I got very lucky and I am only moving two floors down and staying in the same building. I am grateful for that since I have now made friends here and am now on the executive board for the dorm as a whole.  But it is closer to the laundry room so I don't have to carry heavy clothes up like 6 or 7 flights of stairs..that's how many it is to actually get into the basement where all the machines are, redonk!

The only thing that really stinks is that now I am finally all settled in with a routine and what not and I have pictures up on the wall, that I just hung up..that now all have to come down and get re hung up..Okay well I took a break from writing and now things are going downhill with this rooming situation..I will have to update later..

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Today's the first football game...and it's pouring.  Somehow I do not see how this is going to work out or how my attitude is going to stay positive while sitting out there.  But I am going to try and make the best of it!  Football seems to be a big thing here at ISU..sports in general actually.

I am grateful to have a day off on Monday!  I've got A LOT of things that I need to get done.  The to-do list seems to just keep growing and growing.  It consists mostly of uneventful things, like homework and papers that need to be completed for this week.  I am really enjoying my Children's Literature will probably end up being one of my favorites.  I get to read children's books all bad could it be?!  Of course there's papers and book reviews to go along with them..but it's not difficult.  Math will be the death of me this semester. I feel so dumb in that class..It is definitely not just me that doesn't understand the tutor I go.  Well  not yet..I am going to start out with the Math help room and then if I still don't get it hen I'll get a tutor.

Speaking of tutoring..and mentoring.  Work is going much better!  We had an employee meeting Thursday afternoon to find out the basics of what the advisors want and how they want things to be organized..and it's going to be more work in the beginning but will start to taper off..and then basketball season starts and I'll be working with those guys and it starts all over again.  As long as my guys are doing their work I can sit there and study and do my own homework.  Which hey, the way that I see it is that I am getting paid to babysit them, keep them on task, and do my own homework.  Of course it doesn't hurt that there's a few good looking guys thrown in the mix..I should stop now, haha.  My mom is going to start calling me a jersey chaser now.

Well, the girls and I are going to watch Something Borrowed now!  I am so buying this movie when I get a chance.