Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I am sitting here writing this post from my kitchen...say what?! I am absolutely loving my new "dorm room," or I should say on campus apartment  So far it has been hard work getting used to everything and a schedule and a routine again..but I love it.  I mean it's not really hard work, but getting into the swing of things is exciting.  Anyway, we've got mostly everything put away and set up.  We've already made dinners and had a   few breakfasts together.  It helps when your roommates are in most of the same classes with you and you have the same schedules to plan dinners and different things together.

This semester is going to be a challenging one, I am a full time student working two jobs, and still having somewhat of a social life..maybe.  We'll see as the semester goes on.  It will all work itself out!

Classes started on Monday..my first class of fall semester is Math.  I hate math...but honestly I got more out of my first hour and fifteen minutes of this math class than I did all of last year during fall semester.  This time I WILL PASS..even if it kills me.

Being back in Ames has been fun!  I am so glad that I have made such good friends that we can go out and do random things and go to the store when we want to and just being here to talk to each other.  Love it!

For now, I think that is all I have to talk about!  I will have to post some photos of our apartment and my room and what not.  Talk to ya'll soon!

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