Monday, August 29, 2011


I've realized that I am not very good at this whole blog thing.  I love reading other peoples' writing, but my own not so much.

Let us just get down into the nitty gritty right away.  I HATE DOCTORS OFFICES.  I feel like 1) I am playing phone tag with them..which is a little ridiculous, 2) this pulmonologist office that I am dealing with is non-sense.  There are 6 different doctors in the practice and I have to wait and wait for one to come back into the office in order to get anything accomplished.  Maybe if the receptionist took my message down right the first time we would not be going through this.  From the CT Scan that I took before I left town they say that I still have "abnormalities" in my left lung.  The doctor believes that it is still pneumonia.  Okay fine.  He didn't give me another antibiotic, but he wants me to repeat another CT Scan in early September.  Okay, give me a date.  But he didn't.  Seriously.  I don't understand how this pneumonia is going to go away on its own, especially because you are not giving me another antibiotic and want me to repeat a scar for the 3rd time.  Hopefully there are some much more competent people working here in Ames.  But its NBD (no big deal) because hey, it's not your money paying for another scan.

Moving on. Today was NUTS.  Absolutely nuts.  It is kind of like all the professors came together this weekend and decided to pile a ton of work on us.  I wouldn't say that I am "stressed" yet..but maybe a little scatter brained from being thrown back into the university life and trying to keep my life in order at the same time. I was either at school or doing homework or mentoring from 8-5 today..just like a full time job.  I'm used to that..but not when I am doing Math that is supposedly for elementary students and it feels like it is way above my head even.  There is no way that this math is for them.  Just sayin'.

This weekend I stayed in a mostly did a ton of homework..but I knew I would need to in order to stay ahead of the game for this week.  Especially with work starting.  I officially had my first day as a mentor.  I ended up just being a mentor unlike I originally thought, tutoring starts in a couple days. But let me tell you, my first day of mentoring was very overwhelming.  Picture this, Iowa State, Division 1 school, 30-40 BIG..and I mean BIG  scary looking men in one room..with small little me.  I mean I am not the tiniest thing out there..but compared to them, they would be able to squash me like a bug if I did or said something they didn't like.  Moving along..mentoring is going to be interesting.  It is going to be a lot of work in the beginning, just trying to get their schedules down and all of their things organized...and then there are the things like the talking back and looking at me funny.  I can be mean.  And I will be mean if I have to be, and they do not want to see that side of me.  I have got a group of 4 football guys work with and so far, they're doing alright.  If they do the work they are supposed to we'll have a goo semester working together!  We'll see what tomorrow night brings after that mentoring session, with another group of 4 football guys.

I went on another mind clearing walk in the park tonight.  It was not a very pretty sunset tonight, but you can tell that it is definitely starting to get darker sooner.  Fall is right around the corner!  I'm pretty excited for it.  That just means it's a little bit cooler and I can actually sleep with my blankets!  Right now it is just way too hot a muggy to sleep with them all on!

So now I think that I need to start on some more homework that is due on tomorrows stuff done over the weekend, thank goodness.  My mind is way to tired to start on anything that takes a lot of thought and effort.  Unfortunately I have also caught the college bug again of staying up late and getting little to no sleep.  Opps.  I'll have to work on this.  Sorry for the scattering of this post..i'm tired!

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