Monday, August 22, 2011

Things will be alirght...

Today was the first day of classes here at Iowa State! Just like every other school started today, but today was good for me!  I'm starting to learn that I just need to take a leap of faith and get out there and meet people..and just be that bubbly Libby that they would eventually get to know.  I don't know what it is with me and being shy..who taught me to be like that?  My mother is the social butterfly..well whatever it is, I am learning to get over it.

So like I said classes started today..and as of 2pm my schedule was FINALLY finalized.  What a whirlwind couple of days with that.  Now I have learned to definitely not wait until the last few days before class to register. 

I went on an amazing, mind clearing walk tonight after dinner with a girl that lives next to me.  We ran into such a beautiful sunset..I will share:

I'm glad that she asked me to go to know her a little bit more and it got my mind off of missing home!  I know I will be fine here..I'll make more best friends and we'll be friends for a lifetime!

I guess its back to the reality of homework now..ON THE FIRST DAY! Oh well, it feels good to jump back into a routine.

Until next time..

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