Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Two in one week?!

I GET TO GO HOME IN 24 DAYSSSSSSSSS!  I am excited...can't you tell?!  I am VERY excited to not have to deal with a roommate for a week, have my bed for a week, have my own bathroom, and of course fight with my brother for a week!  Oh, and my puppy!  Haha, can't forget him!  

I am currently babysitting...the kids are in bed and the laundry is going..I feel at home again!  I am really beginning to dig the whole free laundry thing..where the dryers actually work..who would have thought?!  Of course you also can't forget a home cooked meal! Delicious!

I feel like a lot has happened in 3 days.  But yet it hasn't.  Oh, the exciting life of a college student.  The things you see on campus is enough to keep me laughing all day.  Of course you can't forget all the dumb things that I say and do on a daily basis keep everyone else laughing as well.  

From left to right: Libby, Chelsea, Rebecca, Kaci, and Katie
This weekend was homecoming!  Nothing too exciting going on though.  Friday night I got to see some fireworks that were set off in central campus for mass campaniling.  Vomit.   Oh I guess I should mention what exactly it is.  Mass campaniling is when you and your sweetheart kiss under the clock as the bells toll midnight.  Tradition states that you are not a true Iowa stater until you've done so.  Again, vomit.  Haha, that wont be happening anytime soon..as of right now.  Friday night I made dinner for all the girls!  That is a picture of us to the left there.  We had a gluten free dinner (and wine party) for Kaci.  I didn't make everything by myself, everyone pitched in.  My name that night, and it continues to be, Mama Libbs.  Haha, love them! :)  We will definitely be doing that again!  Oh, and I could not use the bottle opener right..evidence is below.  It was still consumable though!

Saturday we had a football game to attend!  Pictures are below!  We inevitably lost against Texas A&M.  At least we started the game out winning!  Hey, it's the bright side right?!  This week at work has not been too bad..we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Libby and Katie

Katie, Kaci, and Libby

Libby, Katie, Kaci, Courtney, and Mal Pal the Horse Gal (Mallory)!

Katie, Kaci, and Libby
Friday night we were persuaded to go to a haunted forest in town...NEVER AGAIN.  We got chased by clowns, pinned against the wall by guys with chainsaws, characters popped out at you..oh and they came up behind you.  This is a picture of us all before we went!

Katie, Kaci, Courtney, Mallory, Libby
As you can see I have really developed friendships with these girls!  They are my loves! :)

Sunday I went to church and lunch, and did a lot of homework.  I got to Skype with the best roommate ever and of course one of my best friends, Mary, and Kristen also made an appearance.  I CANNOT WAIT until Thanksgiving to see them, and of course hit up our usual restaurant, El Niagra where shenanigans will ensue!  That night I babysat.  Ahhh children are adorable and so innocent!  Love them already!

I have gotten three tests back this week!  I am happy to report that I got a 45/50 on my Childrens Literature midterm and a 39/40 for my technology in the classroom class.  My math test...well that's a whole other story.  MATH stands for Mental Abuse To Humans.  Just thought I would throw that one out there!

So, now that I have taken a large chunk out of my homework time..I suppose it would be good to get back to that!

Until next time...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Well, well, well!

Things have taken a turn for the interesting!  Well, I couldn't tell you why..because I don't really know.  But I am loving school!  I have made so many amazing friends and can't wait to become even closer.  This morning I was really missing home.  I just need a break and time away from here.  I can't wait for my Thanksgiving break!  Less than 4 weeks now! :)  I can't wait to sleep in my own bed and see my puppy!

I know that I need to update this more!  I am very bus with work, and my school work, and I have also taken up babysitting now!  The kids that I will be watching are so adorable and I cannot wait to get to know them and spend time with them.  I joined this program from Salt Company called student exchange.  Instead of getting paid for babysitting we get a meal with the family and get to do our laundry for free!  And that is quite okay with me! :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I have a blog? Who knew!

Well, I am beginning to realize that I really stink at this whole blogging thing.  Although, it has been a crazy couple of weeks!  Just so much to do, lots of homework, and of course who could forget work?!  Last week was just not a good week.  We all have them and it just seemed to drag on and never end.  There were lots of problems with my room/roommate, but we've talked and hopefully everything is going to go for the better from here on out!  I'm trying to have a good lookout on things.

Saturday we had a football game..and it was not good. However, I did get to take a picture with CY!

This last week was not as busy, but lots of homework to do and catch up on!  Midterms are already here!  I can't believe the time has flown so quickly.  It will be Thanksgiving break and then Christmas before we know it.

Well I guess that this is going to be a shorter post.  I have to start getting things together and ready for when my Mom and Babcia come today!  I'm sooooo excited to see them both!